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17 Feb 2011

Photoshop Healing Brush

Healing Brush IconThe Healing Brush tool allows you to fix image imperfections such as scratches, blemishes, etc. By sampling the surrounding area or using a predefined pattern you can blend the imperfections into the rest of the image.
The healing brush tool is located in the Photoshop Toolbox, on the left side.

Using the Healing Brush Tool:

Using the Healing Brush
  • Select the healing brush in the toolbox.
  • Check the settings in the options bar and adjust if necessary. Options include:
    - Brush size
    - Blending mode
    - Source (Sampled from the image or pre-defined pattern)
    - Aligned
  • If you're using sampled mode, Alt-click an area near the imperfection to define the starting point.
  • Click and drag over the imperfection. If aligned is selected, the healing brush will remember the starting point between mouse clicks.

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