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27 Apr 2011

Hand Tool

Hand Tool [H]The Hand Tool is used to navigate to another area of an image when all of the pixels won't fit on the screen. You select the hand tool (press h) and click on the image and drag to the location in the image that you want to be. You can press the space bar to activate the hand while any tool other than a type tool is activated. You can acheive the same affect using the scrollbars located at the right and bottom of the image. However, the scrollbars only move in one dimension and the hand tool can move in two dimensions at the same time. 

The Hand Toolbar

When the hand tool is selected, the hand toolbar shows three buttons. The first button is used to view the image in actual pixel size. The next button fits the image to the size of your screen. The third button will show you the image at the size it would be if it were to be printed.
All three of these options are available using the View menu, but using them as buttons on the toolbar makes it easier. 

TIP: You can really make short work of your job with the Hand Tool. It’s for moving your entire image within a window. So if you’re zoomed in and your image area is larger than the window, you can use the Hand Tool to navigate around your image. Just click and drag. You can get to this tool at any time when using any other tool by pressing and holding the [Spacebar].

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